Social Equity

    Prior to my 2016 Campaign, many of my constituents told me how they felt that east Palmdale was a step sister to west Palmdale. They felt that the facilities on the Eastside were not as well funded or planned as the westside facilities were. As a result, I introduced the Social Equity Element into the General Plan at the Council’s January, 2017 study session. This Element represents attempts by the Palmdale City Council to achieve equity for the City’s diversity as well as the equitable distribution of resources citywide. The City of Palmdale has been operating on a General Plan that was adopted in 1993, it is a 25 year old plan. This is 2018, a new millennium. I introduced to the Council an inclusion element-that means that the General Plan Committee would include residents representing the entire City. I have been pushing to have two members from each district appointed to that committee so that each district will be ensured of equal representation throughout the City. I also introduced the Economic Development Element in an effort to ensure that the entire city benefits from new development coming to the City of Palmdale either commercial or industrial development. That’s a “Makes Sense” approach. The General Plan update is at the Request for Proposals stage (May 1, 2018 Agenda Item CC 7.8). Our current General Plan dates to 1994, about time we can plan our City’s growth with a vision for tomorrow, not the past.